UV Sterilizer Benefits and Drawbacks

What is UV Sterilizer?

Regardless of how frequently you perform water changes in your aquarium and in any case how fastidious you are tied in with changing your channel media consistently, your reef tank will even now collect green growth and microscopic organisms. However long you keep up high water quality in your tank, a little green growth or microorganisms is probably not going to make any genuine mischief to your fish. On the off chance that you don’t appropriately keep up your tank, in any case, you could encounter an issue with extreme green growth development. UV sterilizers are a basic method to help control green growth, parasites, and microscopic organisms in the home aquarium.

Since green growth, parasites, and microscopic organisms are frequently troublesome or difficult to see with the unaided eye, it tends to be incredibly hard to control them. You can’t battle what you can’t see. Or on the other hand, can you? UV sterilizers focus on these microorganisms, changing their life cycles and restricting their regenerative capacities to monitor them. In basic terms, UV sterilizers work by disregarding tank water, a bright bulb – the UV light murders off the microbes, green growth, and parasites in the water prior to returning it to the tank. Related to a quality filtration framework, UV sterilizers are an amazing method to help keep your reef tank clean.

Advantages and Drawbacks

The principal advantage of the best UV sterilizer aquarium is that it assists with keeping disturbances like green growth, parasites, and microscopic organisms leveled out in your tank. In the event that you don’t appropriately keep up your tank, even a couple of green growth cells or parasites can rapidly imitate and cause a significant issue. UV sterilizers serve to kill these microorganisms, accordingly keeping them from recreating. Most UV sterilizers can be snared straightforwardly into your aquarium channel, however independent choices are accessible. These units arrive in a wide range of sizes to oblige a wide range of tanks and they additionally include distinctive stream rates to target either parasites or microscopic organisms and green growth.

Aquarium - Fish Tank
Aquarium – Fish Tank

One downside of UV sterilizers is that they just objective free-coasting creatures in the tank water – they won’t have any impact on green growth that has just clung to tank surfaces or on microbes and parasites that have just contaminated your fish. UV sterilizers can likewise meddle with synthetics and prescriptions in this way, on the off chance that you intend to utilize any of these items, you should kill the gadget during the treatment time frame. Another disadvantage of UV sterilizers is that they can be somewhat costly, particularly on the off chance that you need to get one on top of the entirety of the other vital hardware for your tank. Over the long haul, be that as it may, the expense is generally justified, despite any trouble.

AA Aquarium Green Killing Machine 9-Watt

This affordable and more modest 9-watt UV sterilizer from AA Aquarium is ideal for keeping little aquarium tanks clean. The sterilizer is recommended for tanks up to 50 gallons in volume and is assessed for stream rates up to 60 gallons for every hour. Stream in the UV chamber occurs in a jumble to assemble the home time without reducing the stream rate.

The sterilizer is uncommon in that it uses a fixed UV bulb, which is planned to make changing the bulb out as fundamental as could be normal the situation being what it is. There are no gloves expected to change the bulb since you never truly contact the bulb itself. Moreover, the UV sterilizer goes with a LED on the control box that uncovers when the opportunity has arrived to change out the bulb.

The unit is intended to hang inside your tank instead of interface in-line in your aquarium framework, which makes the arrangement a snap. The sterilizer comes pre-gathered so that making it run requires a couple of moments. Furthermore, the siphon accompanies a three-year guarantee to secure your buy.

Lifeguard Prostep UV Sterilizers

The Lifeguard Prostep UV Sterilizer is an inline sterilizer that is made to one or the other hold tight your tank or remain inside your stand. Given the manner in which they are assembled and how they work, they are best for canister channel arrangements as they can sit directly close to your canister channel in your stand. This is a simpler and inconvenience-free arrangement than state your Aqua UV example, which doesn’t accompany any mounting gear and you need to stress over fitting a goliath UV sterilizer in your stand and purchasing mounts for it.

UV sterilizer
UV sterilizer

This unit has pushed water through the UV sterilizer in a stage example to amplify the stay time in the chamber. This puts this unit at the higher finish of the main classification sterilizers however at a much less expensive cost than the Aqua UV example. While it isn’t at the presentation level of a UV Classic, it is close enough where on the off chance that one is thinking about a better quality UV this will be viewed as a dealer unit. You can likewise hang this on the rear of your fish tank or sump, which give this additional flexibility


The SunSun JUP-23 is a 13W UV sterilizer and is most appropriate for 75-150 gallon freshwater and saltwater tanks. At 13.5″ H x 3″ W and 2.5″ L, this unit is simply somewhat bigger than the 9W one. The amazing 13W UV bulb will handily kill any harmful microorganism and free coasting green growth in practically no time.

Like the more modest unit, the JUP-23 is a fitting-and-play UV sterilizer. Just drop it in your tank and plug it in. The pull cups permit you to mount it evenly or vertically.

A few people have announced broken glass bulbs upon conveyance. The maker has begun pressing within these units with bubble wrap thus. Ensure you check the bulb and eliminate any air pocket wrap preceding establishment!

Another pleasant component of this unit is the customizable stream spout, which the more modest unit doesn’t have. Like the 9W unit, trade bulbs for this unit are genuinely modest.

The main concern, on the off chance that you have a 75-150 gallon tank that is shady or encountering a green growth blossom, the SunSun JUP-23 13W UV Sterilizer is a solid decision. Also, the low cost can’t be beaten!