Write for Us – Submit Guest Post

We’re looking for guest bloggers to write articles about gardening, outdoors, DIY, home design, home renovation, home decoration, food, tips, and tricks, and tutorials.

If you are a gardening, DIY, or home blogger and looking for a new site to post you can do it here as long as they are original and informative articles.

Accepted Guest Post Article Topics

  • Gardening
  • DIY
  • Home improvement, home decorations, home renovation, interior decoration
  • Outdoors: hikingwalkingskiingsnowboarding,  windsurfingkitesurfingsurfing, scuba diving, swimming
blog post

Article Guidelines

Here are some guidelines for your guest post:

  • We require a minimum of 1000+ words per article and at least one accompanying photo
  • For infographics, a minimum of 500 words is requested.
  • By submitting your article to this site you confirm that you will not submit it to any other website
  • Articles that are already published on other websites will not be accepted
  • All articles submitted must be original and belongs to you. That applies to the text and photos.
  • Your submission will be accepted if your website is linked to the outdoors, home, garden, and DIY industry. Send us an email with a proposal for an interesting article.
  • All published articles on foxchair.com have become our property. You cannot request to remove the posts.

Send us an email