Things To Do If You Spot Water Damage In Your Home

Water can flood into homes in numerous ways. Even if the damage seems minimal, it always leaves behind the undesirable need for cleaning. In the worst case, an unwanted costly repair. Deciding how best to deal with water damage can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know where to start. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some steps and safe ways to make the restoration process easier for you.

What to do if you spot water damage in your home?

Shut off the main water valve

Where there’s water damage, there’s water loss or leaking somewhere, and this can mean a hefty amount in your water bill. As soon as you notice water damage in your home, locate the main shut-off valve right away and turn it off. Especially if it seems to be a problem that you don’t have the slightest idea of the cause. Unless the water damage is an act of nature, shutting off the main water valve will help reduce further water loss and the chances of flooding in your home.

Identify the source of damage

Water damage can ruin your home faster than you might think. What appears to be a small leak may be the first sign of a much more significant problem down the line. Track down where the source could be. Check all your appliances, flash a light on your pipes, walk barefoot to detect dampness in floors, look closely at your walls for stains or tiny cracks. What might look like a dirty spot could be staining caused by leaky pipes.

Look up at the ceiling for a sagging. Take a walk outside the house, and take a close look at the foundation. Interior plumbing leaks can cause cracks and crumbling areas. Your nose can also lead you to the smell of dampness caused by hidden leaks. Check your roof for leaks, blocked gutter, loose shingles, and curled flashing. If your detective skills don’t work, contact the sewer pipe relining professional to investigate the situation.

Take a photo of the problem

When you find out the source of water damage on your property, make sure you have your camera ready for snapshots. Taking pictures will help you monitor the progress of the damage. If you have any photos of the property before the problem occurred, keep those as well. It will help make it easy for the plumbers to understand the behavior of the damage and any history of repairs.

Let the insurers know

Depending on your insurance plan, you may be qualified for a refund for the restoration and repair expenses. So it’s essential to keep those photos you took in one folder for proof and let the insurers know right away. Take note of the repairs they will and will not cover so that you can later make sure your coverage rights are protected.

Advise the sewer pipe relining professionals right away

Water damage has great chances to turn into a full-blown renovation job in your home. Report any signs of damages right away before it gets to that point. Sagging on the ceiling, cracked paints, musty smell, wet spots, or mold in the walls are common signs that water is seeping through your structure. Depending on your communication preference, you can ring the trenchless pipe relining professionals, or you may email them. It is an excellent opportunity for you to attach the photos you’ve taken in your email and explain in detail what you’ve found out in your investigation.

Where water damage can come from?


One of the most common sources of a leak in homes is the roof. The problem could range from flashing to clogged gutter or downspout. A roof leak can cause severe structural damage in your home if left untreated, and the cost of restoration is no joke. You may notice water spots on the ceilings or walls, but this sign doesn’t always appear to give you a clue it’s time to call the professionals. Keep your roof clear of debris by cleaning them regularly, especially in the fall and spring, and don’t wait to get any roofing problem checked out.


Appliances hooked up to your water supply can also be sources of water leaks. Spreading puddle over your laundry room floor is a red flag that there’s a problem at hand. The issue may be as simple as a loose or detached water supply valve or the hose from the wall, which is easy to fix, to a severe leaking water line behind the appliances. Carefully check the machines and ask a professional to inspect the problem further if it’s not an easily accessible or determinable leak.

Indoor Plumbing

Indoor plumbing is one of the wonders of the modern world – and is often to blame for water leaks. The kitchen sink, bathtub, toilets can all experience clogs and leaks or faulty pipes. Sometimes the problem is localized; in the worst case, they can act up altogether. Some homeowners may have a knack for fixing simple leaks, but make sure you handle the job safely. What appears to be an easy job can often turn into a plumbing disaster if you don’t have the right tools or knowledge.

Sewer system

One of the worst causes of water damage in homes is the sewer system, which may back up after an extensive rainstorm. Another serious situation is when the pipe that connects your home to the main has burst. Once a sewer has leaked, or a burst has begun, your property will be exposed to irreparable damage and place your family at risk for health hazards.

What else to do?

The safest way to check your plumbing is not causing water damage in your home is to get professional help from sewer pipe relining in Sydney companies. We can catch plumbing issues before turning into a costly plumbing disaster. When we think the need for sewer relining is essential, we will recommend this to make sure your pipes can hold up years of use without causing water damage in your home.

Broken or corroded pipes, blocked sewer drain, flooding, constructional-related defects, appliance breakdowns, and excessive moisture can cause costly water damage. Please don’t take these issues for granted. Our sewer relining contractor can help you have good-conditioned plumbing from the inside-outside and even what lies underneath. So don’t wait any further. Our sewer pipe relining cost is cheaper than waiting for plumbing problems to worsen.